Our Family

Our Family
Christopher, Melanie, Lillian, and Zackary

Friday, January 17, 2014

Starting School and Potty Training

This past week has been crazy! Between our apartment thermostat going ridiculously insane, having the upstairs neighbors move in, trying to potty train two toddlers, and me starting school this past Monday there has not been that much sleep in our house.
Our apartment thermostat has been really finicky ever since we moved in and after we received our first full month of electricity services for this apartment and finding out that the bill was higher than any other bill we have ever gotten (even higher than our house electric bills in the summer!), we decided to have them come in and change the thermostat. I am not a big fan of the front desk girl for our apartments. Every time I have an interaction with her she gets more and more annoying and rude. Today when I went in to explain our situation about our thermostat she looked at me like, "yeah, it's normal for your electric bill to be that high in these apartments." If this is really the norm, then I hope Christopher does get moved to a bigger store and the company buys out the lease for this apartment. Paying over $200 to live in an apartment was not in my monthly budget. On the other hand,  I hope we stay here in Waco for another two and a half years at least so that I can finish my program (and start it. haha). The way Christopher keeps bringing up the words "bigger stores" and "moving" my heart skips a beat though. It makes it sound like we are moving again by March or April. I am soooo excited to finally be in school again. I have a new devotion to doing well and trying my best because I only get one shot to enter my program. If I don't get all "As" this semester then I will have to retake a couple classes again to even have a chance to enter the program. It's not that my grades terrible, it's just that this particular program is getting more and more popular so the criteria for getting accepted has been risen. I did find out that I have to take A&P 2 over summer one and it will be a short 8-week class and I will probably ask Grandma Nila or Nana V to come live with us since Christopher wont be able to take time off work while I go to class. We'll see though. I might have made a friend or two by then and Lilly and Zack can have a playdate with various people over the summer.  A&P 2 will be the last class I have to take before entering into the Radiology Technician Program. I have to make sure I turn in my application by June 1st so I will apply before I even finish my last prerequisite class. Anyway, I love my teachers so far and I think I am going to do very well in all of my classes.
Zack sat on the potty this morning with Christopher and I am thinking about potty training him to. I think that it might be easier to do both kids at the same time rather than just one at a time. I will be able to focus on the task at hand rather than trying to keep on kid out of the way while the other kid tries to do their thing on the toilet. I'm all for killing two birds with one stone.
The neighbors that move in above us are soooo loud! I'm not sure if its because its been a while since I've experienced apartment living, but I know they are working out or something whenever I put the kids down for a bed or down for the night. I have seen both of them and they are smaller people than Christopher and I. They are like my sisters husband size but shorter. How in the world could they make that much noise? I swear though that it doesn't matter how small they are, they walk like they are carrying Elephants. I have made the decision that we are moving as soon as our lease ends here though. So January of next year we will be in a different apartment whether we move to a different state or city.

Well, off to do school work before Christopher gets home because I have found that after Christopher gets home it is impossible to do ANYTHING. I'm not just talking about school work. I'm talking about housework too. I wish that we could both have a cleaning spree instead of me trying to do it all on my own. Don't get me wrong. He helps out ONCE in a blue moon and whenever he feels like it, but I wish that I would have a little more help sometimes. Where's a free maid when you need him/her?

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